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Connecting QuickBooks & Workever

How to integrate QuickBooks accounting software with Workever

Updated over a week ago

Workever connects seamlessly with QuickBooks accounting to remove data duplication, tedious admin and increase productivity. 

What can you sync?

  • Contacts: You can sync your contacts both ways. This means that if you create a customer in Workever they will be created in QuickBooks and if you create a customer in QuickBooks they will be created in Workever.

  • Chart of accounts: All of your chart of accounts will sync over from QuickBooks into Workever

  • Tax rates: Tax rates will sync over from QuickBooks, you can then map any existing tax rates you have in Workever (if you have any) with your tax rates in QuickBooks. **Please note** that once the integration is active, all new tax rates will have to be created in QuickBooks, and the tax rates section in Workever will become read only. 

  • Saved cost items: All saved cost items will be synced between Workever and QuickBooks. Any changes you make in either will be visible in both applications.

  • Invoices: Invoices created in Workever will automatically sync over to QuickBooks. All changes to invoices that are made in either Workever or QuickBooks will be reflected in both applications.

  • Payment: Payments added to invoices will be synced between both Workever and QuickBooks. This means you can add a payment in Workever or In QuickBooks and it will be recorded in both systems. 

How to get started

To get started you will need an active Workforce and QuickBooks account. You can set these up here , 

Step 1 - The basics

Login to your workforce account  and go to settings > Integrations > Click "Connect" next to the QuickBooks integration 

Step 2 - Connecting to QuickBooks

You will then be directed to Workforce where you can login to your QuickBooks account and then choose which QuickBooks account you wish to sync and "Authorize"

Step 3 - Choosing what to sync

you will then be redirected back to the Workever integration page where you will now have the option of going to "settings" and you should also have a tick and "active" above to confirm everything is connected

You have the option to choose what data you would like synced in the settings section, so you don't have to worry about data you do not want pulling through to Workever.

  • Start date: you can choose to sync over data from an exiting date. As an example you may only want to sync from July of the last year or from today onwards. 

  • Create/update Invoices: sync over invoices from Workever to QuickBooks.  

  • Sync chart of accounts and account classes: sync over your chart of accounts and classes for each account

  • Sync saved cost items: sync over your saved cost items such as labour rates and services you provide etc

  • Sync taxes: sync over all of your tax rates. You can also map existing workever tax rates to tax rates in QuickBooks so you do not create duplicates

  • Sync contacts: sync over all of your contacts

  • Show links to QuickBooks: this will allow you to go directly into QuickBooks from within a contact or invoice in Workever without having to login to each system all the time

  • Default payment account: choose the default bank account that customers pay money into when you invoice them

  • Default cost items account: choose the  default cost item account (this is when you are adding costs to a job or invoice to classify the item in e.g. "-sales"

When you have chosen the options you wish to sync the system will sync the chosen information automatically. This will start the processing of syncing over any of the data you have requested.

Step 4 - Sync completion

On successful sync all of your data will now be in both systems. You can check this by going to your contacts, chart of accounts and anything else you have requested to sync over.  So whenever you create a new contact, cost item, invoice or tax rate in Workever or QuickBooks you should see it appear in both system within one hour maximum. The system generally sync's every 60-90minutes


Questions, Limitations and things to think about 

  • Sync time: Data will automatically sync to QuickBooks every 60 - 90 minutes.

  • What if my data doesn't sync? This generally means there is an error on the item and you should look in the sync error tab. If you still cannot fix the issue after looking at this, then reach out to support who will help you.

  • Contacts: When editing a contact, changes have to be made in QuickBooks for it to take effect in Workever - Think of QuickBooks as the master account when editing a contact record. New contacts created in Workever will sync as normal and create a record in QuickBooks

  • Stock (inventory) does not sync between Workever and QuickBooks. 

  • Invoices: Invoices created in QuickBooks will not be synced over to Workever. All invoices created in workever (ad hoc created in the invoice section, invoices created within a job and batch invoices will sync over to QuickBooks)

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