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Using reports

How to download reports to capture information

Updated over 8 months ago

The Workever App offers the facility to download a range of reports relating to:

  • Quotes

  • Jobs

  • Invoices

  • System log-ins

  • Staff members

Each report can be downloaded as an excel file and can be filtered on a variety of settings to provide a customised snapshot of the information held on the system. The benefits of being able to download a report in this way is that the data can be manipulated in external systems and be integrated in other in-house reporting styles.

The reports function can be found by navigating to the 'Settings' menu and then go to the 'Reports' section:

Reporting on Quotes

Select 'Quotes' from the drop down menu:


You can create a report on the status of your quotes and filter this by whether a quote:

  • is a draft.

  • has been sent.

  • has been accepted.

  • has been rejected.

Or you can select 'All' quotes.


You can download reports on quotes by individual customers either by selecting a single, multiple or all customers. 


Furthermore you can download all quotes for all customers, irrespective of status for a set date range. 

Reporting on Jobs

The ability to report on jobs in a variety of ways is very useful and can be incorporated into in-house company reporting and used to monitor the progress of jobs by a variety of fields including field worker, job type, status, date, priority, etc.

Status & Priority

The Workever app allows you to download job data based on the status and/or priority of a job. You can select single or multiple fields to report against such as all jobs marked urgent or all scheduled jobs marked urgent and normal. 


You can also download information against jobs by customer, multiple customers or all customers.

Field Worker

With this option you can select all jobs (irrespective of status) by field worker and report on the status and detail of the jobs allocated to individuals, selection of individuals or all field workers.


Reporting on jobs within a date range can be used to report in external systems to assist with third party diary systems. You can select a range of dates which will produce a report on all jobs irrespective of status.

Completion Date

You can also filter the jobs by the jobs' completion date. This is the date on which the Completed status was assigned to a job.

Due Date

Some jobs can only be created with a Due Date, without a an actual Scheduled Date, in case you know when the job is due, but don't necessarily know an exact date when the fieldworker will arrive on site. For these jobs you can also filter by Due Date.

Job Type

The system can also provide reports on three job types:

  • Standard jobs

  • Recurring jobs

  • Revisits

  • Project Jobs

  • Project Sub Jobs

You can select one or more of these job types on which to download a report.

Invoice status

If you create an invoice through a job, the invoice status will also be linked to the job. You can also choose to run a report on jobs based on the jobs' invoice status, to check which job was invoice and paid, not paid, etc.

Reporting on Invoices

By selecting on invoices, you are able to report on a number of variables based on invoices.
You can create a report based on the status of your invoices either by selecting All or choosing from the specific status of an invoice:

  • Issued

  • Sent

  • Part Paid

  • Paid

  • Overdue

  • Void

The downloaded report provides details including the customer name, invoice number, description, date, value (net, tax and gross) as well as the type of payment used.


Reports can be downloaded by customer using the 'Customer' selection and provide an overview of all invoices by customer, selection of multiple customers or all customers.


Alternatively, you can download invoices pertaining to a set date range.

Reporting on System Log Ins

Selecting the 'System log ins' will provide a date range selection from which you can produce a report detailing all log ins with:

  • Date and time of log in

  • Browser used

  • Operating system used

  • IP address

Reporting on Staff Members

By selecting 'Staff Members' you can download a report which gives you an overview of your staff members, including:

  • Full name

  • Mobile No

  • email address

  • Date of birth

  • Address

  • Date started with company

  • Roles and permissions

  • Field worker access level

  • Standard rates of charge

You can select a single member of staff, all or a selection.

Reporting on Cost Items

You also have the ability to run a Cost Items report to see all of the cost items that were added to jobs. In this report you will also be able to see the job details of the jobs that the cost items were added to (job status, job number, etc.).

Downloading Reports

Reports are produced in an excel (.xls) format and can be viewed in your default spreadsheet programme. 

Clicking on the 'Generate Excel (XLS)' button will create a new file in your downloads folder.

Using Preset Reports

Each of the reports that you create can be saved as a preset selection in order to save time.

For instance, if you run a daily report on all urgent jobs, you can save this as a preset report and simply select this option from the 'Presets'. 

To save a preset report, simply adjust the radial tick boxes as if you were going to download the report of your choice. In this example, we are going to create a report on quotes which have been marked as 'Sent':

Instead of selecting 'Download', we are going to select 'Save as preset':

Then, you will need to name your preset; we'll call this 'Pipeline Quotes':

And then click 'Save and Generate'

This will save your selection as a preset report and download the file to your computer. The next time you want to run this same report then you simply select the 'Pipeline Quotes' from the 'Presets' list:

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