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How to customise automated emails & messages
How to customise automated emails & messages

How to set up the messages and communication feature of Workforce

Updated over a week ago

The Workever app has a feature which allows you to set up automated communications and messages which can  be sent to the customer or your field workers directly. The default email communication presets are:

  • Change of job status

  • Send invoice

  • Send quote

  • Quote follow-up

  • Job allocation information 

  • Job confirmation

  • Schedule job reminder

  • Customer job visit reminder

  • Job sheet

  • Job report

  • Revisit job allocation information

  • Change of job

  • Change of revisit

  • Customer portal user created

  • Completed job confirmation

  • Job note added

Plus there is an automated post work signature message that can be delivered via email.

Each of these templates can be customised with as little of as much information as you like pertaining to the customer, job, invoice and company. 

NOTE! Some e-mail templates have the option to add an additional e-mail address through the Messages and communication section, usually the e-mail are automatically sent to the e-mail addresses added for the contacts and/or fieldworkers.

Completed Job Confirmation - you can add an additional address to send a copy of the job completed confirmation for organisational purposes, the e-mail will be sent as a BCC (Blind Carbon Copy).

Job Note Added - in order for office admins/managers to keep track of what notes have been added to the jobs, they can add their e-mail addresses under the Job Note Added e-mail template and the system will send them a notification letting them know who added the note and on what job.

Customising messages

To find the 'Messages and Communication' feature you will need to navigate to the 'Settings' tab on the left hand menu bar and select the 'Messages & Communications' option from the sub-menu.

In this screen you will find default templates already set up; however, each template can be adjusted to accommodate the fields you require and be personalised as you so wish.

To the right of this screen you will find an expandable selection of fields which can be added to the templates. In some cases, the menu is in the collapsed view. To open the menu is simple, simply navigate to the arrow in the grey box in the right hand corner of the screen and click; the menu should expand and provide you with a full view:

The expanded view looks like this:


From the menu on the right, there are five categories, each of which expands into a list of variables which can be added to any of the templates.

The variables you can select from are:

Invoice Variables

  • Invoice total

  • Invoice reference

  • Invoice outstanding

  • Invoice due

  • Invoice creation date

  • Invoice job address

  • Invoice name

Quote Variables

  • Quote total

  • Quote reference

  • Quote job address

  • Quote creation date

  • Quote name

Job Variables

  • Job address

  • Job date & time

  • Job worker

  • Job status

  • Job name

Customer Variables

  • Customer name

  • Customer email

  • Customer telephone

  • Customer address

Company Variables

  • Company name

  • Company address

  • Company telephone

  • Company website

  • Company fax

  • Company email

  • Todays date

  • Company logo

Any of the variables can be added to any of the templates and doing so is very straightforward. 

To insert a field into your template, simply click in the space where you want it to appear in your template box on the left of the main screen and then select the variable field you wish to appear there.

For example, if we wanted to have our field workers receive an automated message when they are allocated a job we would navigate down to the 'Job Allocation Information' template and enable this e-mail template. This indicates to the system that this message should now be activated and all future allocations of job will use this template automatically.

Next, we need to define how the subject header of this email appears to our field workers. Let's input a generic phrase first and then add a variable field. Let's type 'Job Allocated: Action Required' into the Subject Box' and, to ensure that these remain specific and easily identifiable to our field worker, let's also add the job reference and client name.

Place your cursor in the box beside the Subject heading and manually type the first phrase in: 'Job Allocated: Action Required'

Once you have done this, you will need to type a space and then leave your cursor in the box, where you want the first field to be inserted:

Then, using your mouse, navigate to the right hand side menu and locate the variable field labelled 'Job reference' (this is under Job Variables).

By selecting 'Job reference', you will see that the template has now changed to include the variable field, '{job_reference}'.

Now we want to add our client name. If you added this straightaway then there would be no space between the job reference and the client name so you will need to return you the template and add your punctuation or a conjunction. Here, we'll just add another space and then select 'Customer address' (found in 'Customer Variables').

The template can be customised using the variable fields provided to suit whatever you wish each automated message to convey. 

In this example, the body of our message to our field worker will say:

Hello {job_worker}     

The following job has been allocated to you    



Each of the references contained within the parentheses indicates a variable field that will update automatically according to which job this particular message is being sent in response to.

Once you have completed each of your templates, don't forget to select the 'Save' button at the bottom of the page or to the left of the screen, under the 'Settings/Company' sub-menu.

Selecting which emails are automated

Each of the templates can be selected or deselected to be generated or not using the radial tick boxes beside each template name. If you have any which are deselected then a message will not be automatically generated by the system.

Selecting an email address for customers and fieldworkers to reply to

You can choose one email address to which customers and fieldworkers can reply to the automated messages that were sent to them.

At the top of the 'Messages & Communication' page is a box marked, 'Auto message reply address'. Simply type the email address here that you want to serve as the default reply e-mail address. Once you are finished, click 'Save' to complete your changes.

Selecting which e-mail address should the auto messages be sent to

If the customer has multiple sites and the auto message notifications need to be sent to each site's specific e-mail address then this can be set up by through the 'Send customer auto message' to field.

Selecting to choose if the e-mails are sent or not for specific job

By selecting this option the system will create a mandatory field on each job that will ask each user that adds a job to choose if the e-mails for these jobs are sent or not.

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