Workever allows users to create custom fields that can be attached to jobs, customers or quotes. You can also attach these fields to a template and set a default value.
These can be free text, dropdown menus, date/time or text with suffix fields.ย
To set up a new custom field, navigate to the Settings menu, go to the Work Settings sub-menu by selecting 'Settings' and then the 'Work Settings' option.
You can then navigate to the Custom Fields section from the left hand side.
Selecting the 'Add New' button, you will be presented with a pop-up window in which you can define the characteristics and settings of your custom field.
First of all, you have a couple of options as to which section you want to add the custom field on. The options are:
Customer section
Contractor & supplier section
Job section
Quote section
Asset section
Site section
You can also select whether you wish the custom field to be applied to a specific customer only, job template, quote template or asset category.
Any one custom field can be added to multiple sections in one go.
You can also choose between three types of custom fields from under the "Type of custom field" menu:
Text - normal, free type, text field
Dropdown - dropdown field with multiple options
Date/time - date & time, only time or only date field
Text (with suffix) - a text field with a permanent suffix
Once the custom field is saved the custom field will be added for the selected sections. You will also need to scroll down and mark the field as Active in order for it to be added.
Selecting 'Save' will update the system and make this change global.
Editing and deactivating custom fields
You may wish to edit a custom field and you can easily do so by returning to the Custom Fields section and selecting the field you wish to edit.
Once again, selecting 'Save' will update any changes you make.
Additional options for custom fields
You may also choose to display the custom fields on the job sheet, job report, invoice or quote PDFs. To do this you need to tick the:
Show on job report
Show on job sheet
Show on invoices (this will only be available for custom fields added to jobs - once the job is invoiced the custom field will be displayed on the invoice PDF as well)
Show on quotes
You can also make a field visible on the Customer Portal or on the Online Booking form by selecting the 'Show in online booking' option or the 'Show on customer portal'
By ticking the 'Make this field mandatory' you can make the field mandatory on jobs. This means that a user cannot mark a job as Completed unless the mandatory custom field is filled in.
The mandatory custom field will be marked with a red asterisk on the job sheet.
Importing Custom Fields through .XLS templates;
Another way of adding the custom fields is by adding them to the Import Site .xls template, the Import Jobs .xls template or Import Contacts.ย
The Custom Field names can be added as headers on the import files.
After importing the .xls file the system will create the custom fields input through the .xls file. The system will also generate the custom field values added underneath the Custom Field headers.