You can view customer billing records using the 'Contacts' tab which will display details of all invoices raised as well as the associated payment records.
You can also use this view to raise a new invoice against the customer as well as view any changes to sent invoice.
Select 'Contacts' from the left hand menu pane and navigate to the customer record you wish to view the details of by selecting the 'View' button to the right of the record:
Select 'Billing' from the sub-menu:
You will be presented with a summary of all invoice raised against the selected customer in a screen similar to this one:
You can filter the displayed records using a number of methods:
Selecting one of the invoice statuses
Searching by keyword
Sorting by Invoice No, Date, Amount or Status
Viewing invoices by invoice status
By selecting one of the invoice status settings only the records that are marked with this status will be displayed:
You can switch back to the previous view by selecting 'All'.
Searching invoices by keyword
Using the keyword search tool you can filter invoices containing a keyword.
Sorting invoices by Invoice No, Dare, Amount or Status
By selecting on one of the headers you can sort the displayed invoices.
Viewing, Downloading or Sending an Invoice
Selecting any invoice gives you the option to either view it, download it or send it.
Adding a new invoice
You can also use this area to raise a new invoice to a customer.
From the 'Billing' sub-menu, select the 'Add Invoice' function.
You will then be redirected to the invoicing area of the app where you can add a new invoice. See our guide on 'How to raise an invoice' for details:
Viewing invoice history
By selecting the History feature under the 'Customer' record you can view any changes which have been made to invoices after they have been raised.
Select 'History' from the sub-menu from the customer record you wish to view.