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Modules control overview

How to enable and disable ( turn off and on ) modules in your account to suit your business

Updated over a week ago

If you would like to enable or disable specific sections and features on Workever, you can do so through the modules section in settings. 

For example if you only use the Jobs section to schedule jobs and assign them to workers you can simplify the dashboard by removing the Quotes and Invoices sections.

NOTE: These changes are global and are applied for all users that log in on your Workever account. Any user with access to Settings can disable a section/feature and it will be disabled for all other users.

Viewing the features/section in Settings -> Features Management

If you only use specific sections in Workever and you want to simplify the Workever dashboard you can now do this.

To get started you will need to go to Settings ->Features Management

Here you will see all of the features/sections included on your current package (Base, Premium or Ultimate) at the top in the blue boxes.

And below them you will see the features that are not included in your package (if you are not on ultimate). 

All of the features that are displayed in a white box with a padlock on are features that are not available with your current plan

How to use Modules

You can disable an active module by clicking it which will un-tick the box and remove the tab from your dashboard (and all of the other admins dashboard)

For example if you were to disable the Invoices and Quotes sections these tabs will be removed from the main Jobs section (accessed through the left hand side).

These features/sections can be enabled again through Settings -> Features Management simply by clicking on the disabled modules which will turn them back on and the box will be coloured again with a tick on.

Upgrading your account through Modules

You can also view the features that are not available on your current plan and if you hover over them with the mouse cursor you will have the option to Upgrade your account. To upgrade you only have to click the Upgrade button when hovering over an unavailable feature.

After clicking the Upgrade button the system will redirect you to the Subscription section of Settings, where you can upgrade to another package that will include the feature you would like to add to your account

NOTE: Upgrading to a higher price plan will enable all features that are on the new plan, but you can go back to modules once you have upgraded and switch off anything in the package you don't wish to use. 

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