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Dashboard overview

Stay on top of your key business metrics with the Workever dashboard

Updated over 4 months ago

The Workever dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of key metrics and performance indicators for field service management.

It features widgets that display

  • Total quotes

  • Total jobs with their status (pending or completed),

  • Total invoice revenue.

  • Top customers

  • Top fieldworkers

  • and much more....

The dashboard highlights the top fieldworkers and customers by jobs and invoiced revenue, alongside the first-time fix rate and the total outstanding invoice amount. Additionally, it includes sections for the largest overdue accounts, completed non-invoiced jobs, and total non-scheduled jobs, offering a clear and organised snapshot of business operations.

The Dashboard section can easily be viewed by clicking the Dashboard option from the left hand side menu.

How to switch on or off the dashboard

In order to switch the Dashboard on or off as your landing page you will need to go to Settings -> Staff members -> view the profile of the user you want to change the landing page for -> select the landing page and save changes.

You can view the video below for a quick how-to guide:


Each window with information is called a widget and each widget will contain specific information related to one subject e.g. jobs, invoices, fieldworkers, quotes, etc.

Total quotes

Users can see the number of quotes (based on the “Date added”) with the sum of the total cost item amounts and their statuses. The quotes displayed in this list are sorted by status based off of the order of the statuses from Settings > Work settings > Quote statuses.

If you click any of the displayed statuses you will be redirected to the Quotes section and you will see the quotes in question.

Total jobs

Users can see the number of non-deleted jobs (based on the “Scheduled start date”) and their statuses. The jobs displayed in this list are sorted by status based off of the order of the statuses from Settings > Work settings > Job statuses.

If you click any of the displayed statuses you will be redirected to the Jobs section and you will see the jobs in question.

Total invoice revenue

Users can see the number of invoices (based on the “Date added”) with the sum of the total cost item amounts and their statuses.

If you click any of the displayed statuses you will be redirected to the Invoices section and you will see the invoices in question.

Top fieldworkers

Users can see the top fieldworkers with the number of jobs, job revenue, and invoiced revenue. If you click any of the displayed fieldworker names you will be redirected to the Jobs section and you will see the Jobs in question.

Job Revenue & Invoiced Revenue Calculation for jobs that are assigned to more than one fieldworker

We do use the job’s full cost amount for each fieldworker.


“Job 1” which costs £100 is assigned to “Fieldworker A” and “Fieldworker B”

We calculate it like this:

”Fieldworker A”: £100

“Fieldworker B” £100

Completed non-invoiced jobs

Users can see the total cost amount of Completed non-invoiced jobs with the number of jobs. Also, clicking on the “… job(s)” will redirect users to the job list with the related filter.

Top customers by jobs

Users can see top customers based on the number of jobs. Also, clicking on the rows in the widget will redirect users to the related Contact details > Jobs page.

Largest overdue accounts

We calculate the sum of the invoices (based on the “Date added”) that have Overdue status. Also, clicking on the rows in the widget will redirect users to the related Contact details > Billing page with the Overdue status selected.

Top customers by invoiced revenue

Users can see top customers based on the sum of the total cost item amounts of invoiced jobs. Also, clicking on the rows in the widget will redirect users to the related Contact details > Billing page.

Completed invoiced jobs

Users can see the total cost amount of completed invoiced jobs with the number of jobs. Also, clicking on the “… job(s)” will redirect users to the job list with the related filter.

First time fix rate

The calculation for this widget is:

First time fix rate = (Number of completed job(s) with revisit(s)) divided by (Number of total completed job(s)) multiplied by 100.

A total of 26 completed jobs and 3 of them have revisits.

Number of completed jobs without revisits is 23 divided by the total number of completed jobs, which is 26, multiplied by 100 -> 23 / 26 x 100 = 88%

Total non-scheduled jobs

Users can see the total number of these jobs here:

  1. Jobs without date

  2. Jobs without fieldworker

  3. Jobs without date and fieldworker

Also, clicking on the number of jobs will redirect users to the job list with the related filter.

Total outstanding invoice amount

Users can see the total outstanding invoice amount here. We calculate the full amount of the invoices. Also, clicking on the “… invoice(s)” will redirect users to the invoices list with the related filter.

Weather section

The default location that we use for the weather location is the company’s location. Users can see the 3-day forecast after they open the weather dropdown. However, users can also edit the weather location manually, or they can click on “Use my current location” which will update the location automatically.

Editing the layout of the Dashboard

The dashboard is personalised for each user. All users that have access to the Dashboard section can personalise it for their individual use. They can drag and drop the widgets from one spot to another on the page

In order to do this hover over the widget you want to move until you see the cursor change to the "movement" cursor

Then, click and drag the widget to another location on the page

You can also remove widgets from the page by clicking the top right hand side Settings button, then you can un-tick any widgets that you do not need

Dashboard permissions

Account owners and Office managers can access the Dashboard permissions page. They can limit specific users to access desired widgets. It’s located in Settings -> Staff -> view a specific user's profile -> Dashboard settings.

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