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Overview: Mobile App ( Field Manager role ) Fieldworker Management Role
Overview: Mobile App ( Field Manager role ) Fieldworker Management Role

How to use the Field manager role to via All fieldworker jobs and schedule from the Mobile App

Updated over 4 years ago

The Field Manager role allows staff to view and manage work for All fieldworkers from the mobile App. 

This works great if you are an office manager and need access to All of your jobs on the go, or if you are a Fieldworker thats a manager and need to view/ add/ edit and schedule in jobs for your team right from the fieldworker App. 

Bonus: you can watch our full Mobile App Overview video right here.

What you can do with the new role 

  1. View all jobs, both assigned and unassigned 

  2. Filter by a particular Fieldworker

  3. Assign work to fieldworkers 

  4. Edit jobs, unassign and reassign

How to assign the Field Manager role to a user.

  1. First of all, you need to go to the Settings -> Staff members section.

2. Access the View button next to the user you want to add the role for.

3. Select the Field Manager role from the Fieldworker Role drop down menu.

4. Make sure to access the Update button in order to save the changes.

How to manage jobs and quotes through the Field Manager role.

As soon as you have assigned the Field Manager role to a specific user, the mobile app will detect the changes after logging in with your username and password. If the user is already logged in with a previous role they will have to log out and log back in order for the changed to take effect.

Viewing jobs and quotes

The Field Manager role will allow you to see all jobs and quotes, regardless if they are assigned to different users, multiple users, etc.

Adding/removing fieldworkers

The Field Manager role will allow the user to manage fieldworkers on the go, instead of contacting the office staff or accessing the web based application through a browser on your mobile device.

1. Tap on the job or quote from the mobile app job list.

2. Access the Assigned field staff menu.

3. Tap on an assigned fieldworker to remove them from the job/quote or simply tap on a fieldworker from the list to add them to the job/quote. As long as the check symbol is showing opposite the fieldworker's name, the fieldworker will be assigned to that job or quote.

4. Finally, access the "check" button on the top right side of the screen to save the changes.

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