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Branding & Design

How to brand and customise details on your documents sent to customers and add your logo

Updated over a week ago

All branding options have now been centralised in Workever and can be found in the branding and design tab.

You can change all of the PDF branding details by going to Settings -> Company Settings -> Branding & Design in the left hand sub menu.


Company Logo

When you go to Settings -> Company Settings -> Branding & Design -> you can also change your company logo.

To add the logo click the Add Logo button and add a log from your files.

Once selected the logo will be saved automatically. This option will apply the company logo to all PDFs.

Job Sheets and Reports

To change the Job Sheet details you need to scroll down to the Template Content and select the Job Sheet or Job Report option.

You can then rename the Job Sheet and Job Report to anything else fitting your company

You can then choose what to display on the Job Sheet and on the Job Report PDFs. Fore example you can remove Fieldworkers and Company telephone from the Job Sheet PDF and keep them on the Job Report PDF if needed.


In order to make changes to the quote PDF you will need to go to the Template contact section and select the Quotes option.

Here you can change the name of the Quotes to something else, if needed, for example Estimates.

You can also choose what to be displayed under the Left Bottom text area and Right Bottom text area of the Quote PDF. You can even un-tick the Left or Right options to completely remove these areas from the quote PDF.


If you need to make changes to the invoice PDFs you will need to select the Invoices option from under the Template Content section. You can also rename the Invoices to something else if needed.

If a job that has been invoice has revisits added to it, you can choose to not display the revisits on the invoice PDF by un-ticking the Show revisits on the invoice option.

You can also choose the last invoice number for invoices. For example if the last invoice number is set as 2994, the next invoice you create will be generated with invoice number 2995.


If you change the Last Invoice Number you need to keep in mind that the Last Invoice Number can't be changed to a lesser number. For example if the current Last Invoice Number is 100, you cannot change it to 99.

You can also choose what to be displayed on the Bottom Text Areas of the invoice. You can un-tick the Left or Right options in order to remove them from the invoice PDF.

Purchase Orders

You can also choose the Purchase Orders option in order to change the Last Purchase Order Number. Like in the case of invoices you cannot change the Last Purchase Order Number to a lesser number.

After making any changes, for any of the PDFs, you can then click the Preview option to see how the details are displayed on the PDF (Job Sheet, Job Report, Quote, Invoice or Purchase Order)

In order to apply any of the changes made to the PDFs you will need to click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Related articles:
โ€‹Changing PDF templates

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